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Social Stories

Sept. 14, 2022

Social Stories© are one of the most powerful tools for behavior management when you are working with a population that has communication deficits. One of the core deficits in autism is communication. Even if an individual appears to communicate like others, they may have receptive language challenges that hinder their understanding of what others tell them. Social Stories© help to bridge the gap in communication and make those with neurodevelopmental disorders feel more secure because they know what to expect and what is expected of them. We find them helpful in many everyday situations like going to the dentist or wearing a mask but have found them especially useful for vacations. Vacations involve novel experiences like air travel, new places and new experiences. This can make them very unsettling for individuals who rely on their routine for security. They want to travel, just like everyone else and Social Stories© can help reduce the anxiety associate with changes. Social Stories© were developed by Carol Gray and her website includes instruction on how to write and use Social Stories©, as well as samples that might be useful with the individuals you serve. For the most updated information and more free Social Stories©, join Carol’s Clubhouse. What is a social story? Social Story Sampler Carol’s Clubhouse