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Financial - Special Needs = Special Finances

June 1, 2022

Finance is a complicated subject both academically and emotionally.  For individuals with disabilities and their families, this topic becomes even more complex and harder to navigate.  Adults with disabilities are often dependent on governmental programs, such as SSI and Medicaid, to meet their needs.  However, the laws governing these government programs change constantly.  Every April we all scramble to understand the changes in tax law.  For individuals, families and caretakers trying to keep up with law changes in governmental funding is constant.  While the law itself is available to everyone, it is difficult to understand and interpret.  Fortunately, there are more and more YouTube videos that help to explain some of these complex programs in simpler terms.  These are helpful in answering important questions about these programs that direct service providers cannot be expected to be able to answer.  It is helpful for everyone to understand the parameters of governmental funding and how outside funding (ie paid employment, trusts, etc.) affects those funds.  Our current list includes:

What is SSI? (OH 2022)

 SSI & Work (OH 2022)

 What is SSDI (OH 2021)

 Supplemental Security Income 101

 Able Account and SSI

 Growing Wealth With Disabilities

 What to Know About Trusts & ABLE Accounts

 YouTube Channel: